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What’s your love lingo


Test: What's your love language?


Personality Test

Mark Twain said, ‘I can live for two months on a good compliment’. What do you think?

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You are feeling a little down, so you’d really like your partner to:

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In general, you don’t like it when your partner:

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You’ve forgotten to buy something and so you appreciate it when your partner says:

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You partner explains that they won’t be dining with you this evening. You:

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You’ve got problems with some of your colleagues and you discuss it with your partner. You’ll be touched if they:

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You’ve finally got the promotion you’ve been after. You announce the news to your partner, who:

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To spontaneously show your love to your partner, you would usually:

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You partner’s birthday is coming up soon. How are you preparing for it?

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You’ve accomplished something quite difficult. You’d like your partner to:

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Your work mates are celebrating your 10 years with the company. You are really touched because:

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Your best memory as a couple was when your partner:

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For your friends’ wedding anniversary dinner which gift would you buy for them from an interior decoration shop?

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You feel ill at ease when you partner hasn’t:

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If you had to choose an image that symbolises love, it would be:

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You feel even more like making love when your partner:

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