Film review: Hector and the Search for Happiness
This Peter Chelsom-directed film will make you smile...

A charming romantic comedy that follows the journey of quirky London psychiatrist Hector (Simon Pegg), on a global quest to find happiness. Hector tells his girlfriend, Clara (Rosamund Pike), that he feels like a fraud: offering advice to patients on how to be happy when he is not happy himself. Embarking on a round-the-world trip, he does everything from communing with Buddhist monks in China to being kidnapped by car thieves in Africa to reconnecting with his ex-girlfriend (Toni Colette) in California in order to ‘find’ happiness.
Based on the book by Franรงois Lelord, the final wisdom comes from Christopher Plummer, who plays self-help author Professor Coreman: ‘Happiness is not a destination,’ he says. ‘It’s a state of being.’
If this fun film doesn’t teach you the secret to happiness, it will certainly put a smile on your face.