Five steps to a richer life
Want to live a richer life? Money isn’t always the answer – try these five steps to a more fulfilled life…

Wellbeing researcher Nic Marks has invented Five Ways to WellBeing, a daily challenge to mimic the recommended five-a-day target for healthy eating.
‘If you’re enacting these good ways of being in the world, it doesn’t matter the level of income you’re on. It’s not about the money, it’s about people’s sense and ability to engage with the world, which creates vitality and energy,' he says. 'These are ways to make your life richer, spiritually and emotionally.'
1. Connect – because social relationships are the most important thing in our lives.
2. Be active – physical activity creates wellbeing
3. Notice – be involved with what’s going on around you in the world, pay attention to what you hear and act upon it.
4. Keep learning – Being a life-long learner creates meaning and engagement.
5. Give – give your time, your money, but most importantly give of yourself.
More inspiration:
Read How can you live a richer life? by Suzy Greaves on LifeLabs
Watch Karen Ruimy's videos Meditation – connecting with the inner child and Tap into your inner love on LifeLabs
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