Footcare made simple
Put your best foot forward this winter

Given that your feet tend to spend the majority of winter tucked away it’s easy to ignore them in favour of other body parts that are on display. Yet months of neglect and pavement-pounding can lead to all sorts of painful problems. Help is at hand as we present the products and treatments that conquer all your foot ailments.
Do the time Prevention is always better than cure so it’s important to keep feet in good health in the run up to winter. Weekly use of the Scholl Express Pedi (, £29.99) does all the hard work for you. This gadget’s advanced micro-rollers softly remove areas of hard skin more thoroughly than by hand, leaving feet soft and supple.
Winter warmers Jack Frost nipping at our toes isn’t the only reason to reach for an extra pair of socks. Unlike men, women’s circulatory system is centred around the female reproductive organs. Because of this, extremities such as the hands and feet are more likely to feel the cold, as the blood supply in these areas is reduced. Taking regular exercise will help to improve circulation. You can also supplement you diet with gingko leaf extract – studies have shown it opens up blood vessels to help increase circulation.
Right fit Flat, smart winter boots can often be part of your office work attire. If so then it’s important to buy a new pair as soon as your old ones look run down. A worn heel or fallen arch support is an indicator that you need new shoes. It's important not to ignore these signs as ill-fitting shoes can lead to knee and back problems.
Keep hydrated Although they may look fabulous, high heels can cause dryness on the ball of the foot and back of the heels as these are the areas where the force of your weight is most concentrated. Rehydrate skin by using a moisturiser specifically for feet, as the sole is thicker than other parts of the body. Try Margaret Dabbs Intensive Hydrating Foot Lotion (, £25). Made with Emu oil, its superiority lies in that fact that unlike other balms that simply sit on the feet, it is able to penetrate the skin, nourishing inside out.
Soak and soothe A hot bath can help to ease weary feet and tight muscles. Add Epsom salts, (, £3.95) which are packed with natural minerals such as magnesium and sulphate. The skin absorbs the magnesium, helping the body to build and repair tissue.
Feet SOS For those of you who love regular exercise, trainers are an essential part of your kit. Constant wear can be a breeding ground for athlete’s foot as this fungal infection thrives in a warm moist environment. Treating it is simple enough, opt for anti-fungal foot cream such as Karin Herzog Foot Cream, (, £30) it contains 2% oxygen for natural antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal action. Use daily and stay with the treatment, as the fungus can linger after the symptoms are gone.
Fast fix Finally, a pedicure can be a welcome relief for winter-worn feet. The Sanctuary’s Perfectly Polished Pedicure (, £45 for 55 mins) is tailored to suit you, whether your preference is for an intense skin removal treatment or simply to indulge in a relaxing massage. Either way, feet will be nursed back to their pre-winter best. Click here for our tips to prepare your skin for winter Embrace the chill with our winter beauty tips