I’m not good enough with money…
This month’s Enough Experiment expert, Marisa Peer, best-selling author, motivational speaker, celebrity therapist and pioneering hypnotherapist trainer, shows us how to feel good enough with money

The Enough Experiment is a digital twelve-month column at Psychologies with coach Mandy Lehto. Start anytime.
Each month, we’ll focus on a particular theme and conduct an experiment to see if we can feel better about ourselves in that aspect of our lives. Small changes add up – and I’m experimenting right alongside you.
We’ll be supported by experts via short, informative videos (about 10 minutes), and we dig deeper with questions and prompts from the monthly downloadable worksheet (about 10 minutes).
You’re encouraged to share your questions, discoveries and experiences on The Life Leap club on Facebook, where I’ll be offering support.
The real power of this experiment isn’t what happens in the videos or on the worksheets. It’s in how you implement your findings in day to day life.
Catch last month’s experiment on how to be a good enough parent with Dr Anna Colton HERE.
I’m not a good enough with money…
My pre-teen daughter wanted a special-effects lamp from Amazon – one that illuminates the ceiling to look like a galaxy. When she showed it to me, “We can’t afford that” popped out of my mouth. The lamp was £27.
Where had my automatic response come from? I started noticing how often I thought about money with a scarcity mentality. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Money’s hard to make and easy to spend. More money, more problems. The list went on and on.
This month’s expert, Marisa Peer, says our money beliefs are set by age five. As children, we accept what we hear from adults as true, not having a complete understanding of how the world works yet.
She adds that money blocks are always about feelings of worth and deserving. That’s why money blocks are never fixed by having more money.
So how can we shift unhelpful money beliefs and allow more abundance into our lives?
We start by capturing our beliefs about money. Watch the video below where Marisa explains where these beliefs originate. Then grab your journal and scroll down to the printable worksheet.
Change your money beliefs
My favourite takeaway is that holding money tightly kinks the flow of abundance. As with breathing (watch my face turn red in the video), giving and receiving are necessary with money too. It’s about creating flow.
And as for my pre-teen daughter’s lamp request, I got an idea from Marisa. Teach kids that they can monetise ideas. Rather than saying, “I can’t find the money for that,” ask what they could do to earn the money. My daughter mopped and hoovered and set the table this week. Then we lay on her bed and watched the stars.
Ready to feel good enough about money? Let’s get started.
This Month’s Experiment
Step 1: Download this month’s worksheets here.
Step 2: Watch this month’s video.
Step 3: Who do you know who’d benefit from “The Enough Experiment”? Share this link.
Share your experiences on The Life Leap Club on Facebook, and find me on Instagram.
Image: Getty Images