Mood Boost: Shopping the way you like it
Find out how Clinique has revolutionised the shopping experience as we know it. By Amy Jones

Shopping for beauty products is a very personal experience. In the same way that each woman has different needs when it comes to the products, they also have different needs when it comes down to buying them.
Some women can walk into a shop and happily peruse the counters for the things they need, confident enough to take or leave the advice willingly or unwillingly bestowed upon them by the hands-on counter assistants. Others, like me, feel very intimidated browsing for products under the helpful assistant’s watchful eye, worried that their skin complexion, hair and/or nails are being scrutinised and that the often incorrect choices of products they eventually take to the till are being frowned upon.
All in all, for some, shopping can be quite daunting and it isn’t surprising that thousands of women prefer to purchase their beauty goods online. Clinique has recognised that the shopping experience has now become a little more intrusive than it once was. They have devised a three-part concept to allow women to convey their own personal shopping agenda without being approached.
The Service As You Like It is a complimentary wrist-band system; the colour of the wrist-band denotes the shopping experience that the customer wishes to have:
Green – I have time let’s talk This band should be worn by women requiring a one-on-one consultation with a skin care expert (which includes the use of the Clinique Computer and two-way Diagnostic Mirror).
White – Time is of the essence This is the wrist-band for customers who prefer to shop alone but still require advice and product guidance. For these customers Clinique’s 90-second computer-guided skincare analysis is available.
Pink – Browsing and happy This band allows the customer to shop undisturbed but also gives them access to Clinique’s Colour Bar and Mascara and Lip Bars, allowing them to test and play with the brand’s range of products.
The Service As You Like It complimentary wrist-bands are available now at the following Clinique counters: Selfridges, Oxford Street; House of Fraser, Meadowhall and Glasgow; Debenhams, Leeds and Fenwicks, Manchester. Let us know your thoughts on the service by tweeting us @psybeauty.