Stress less exercise: No. 2
The Beauty Team helps you stress less and feel better with a little help from Aveda

You can learn the secrets of guided imagery and use them at any time of the day. All you need is five minutes to yourself. Begin by closing your eyes and taking deep, measured breaths. Imagine that you are in beautiful surroundings – either a place you have visited or a place you conjure up from your imagination.
Focus on bringing all the elements of the scene to life: the colours you see, the sounds you hear, the smells you detect, the aromas and taste. How does your body feel with whatever it's doing in your special place? Is it warm or cool? Are you alone or with others? Bring the images into focus and try to stay in the scene for at least five minutes. Practice this exercise for a few minutes every day, or use whenever you're stressed.
ABOUT THE STRESS MANAGEMENT SOCIETY The Stress Management Society is an organisation dedicated to helping people tackle stress at work and at home. Their team of health and professional consultants offers the highest quality consultancy, staff training, event organisation and stress management products. If you need help tackling stress, visit.
Aveda’s Stress Fix body care range will be available in Aveda Salons, Spas, Stores and online at from April.