The wonder of walking
It’s free, you can do it almost anywhere at any time, and it’s a great way to tone your body, avoid illness and boost your brainpower. A daily walk is wonderful for body and soul

Get kitted out
Walking shoes don’t need to cost the earth, but they do need to provide support. To enhance everyday strolling, try MBT trainers; they support the ankle, improve posture and increase muscle activity. For a walking holiday, you’ll need lightweight boots that support your ankles, such as Brasher’s Supalite XCR boots .
Find your pace
According to government guidelines, we should be walking briskly, at about 4mph, for 30 minutes five days a week. This is roughly how fast you would walk if you were late for an appointment. ‘You should feel like you’re walking with an aim in mind, and at a pace faster and more purposeful than normal,’ says fitness expert Joanna Hall, author of 'The GI Walking Diet'.
Set a goal
Whether you chalk up a number of daily steps on a pedometer or sign up for an organised walk, having an end in mind is a great motivation. For inspiration and more tips, visit Walkactive.
Get the right technique
‘Good technique will help you walk faster for longer, improve your fitness levels and generate better toning effects,’ says Hall. ‘Your heel should hit the ground first, then roll your foot through to the toe. Take shorter rather than longer steps; it’s easier on the joints and will give you a better workout. Keep the pelvis lifted, use your arms and maintain good posture.
Plan your route
Variety is good for motivation, so plan two or three routes that you can incorporate into your day, whether you’re walking some or all of the way to work, or going for a stroll in the park.
Visit for urban routes and information on distance and calories burned, or for organised walks in parks, visit Walking For Health.