Time to give yourself a reboot?
‘Have you tried switching it off and switching it back on again?’ I wouldn’t mind betting that most of us have been on the receiving end of that question when our technology’s playing up

Maybe it’s a bit of cliché – yet most clichés become so because they contain elements of truth and wisdom that have stood the test of time and repetition.
So, we switch off the laptop, the phone, the tablet, or whatever – and, as if by magic, all’s well again. Order is restored. We haven’t lost anything. We don’t need to understand what happened behind the screen; it’s enough that we are up and running again.
So just for a moment, put yourself in the place of that little device that was playing up. I wonder what was going on in its complex inner world that caused it temporarily to freeze? To clock off? To take matters into its own hands and let us know that it’s in need of a reset?
Feeling some connection? You know, those moments when you have so many ‘open windows’ – things to remember, jobs to get done, work to finish, taking care of others’ needs – you feel you’re about to crash.
Maybe as you read this you are enjoying an extended break over the Christmas and into the new year. If that is turning out to be restful, peaceful and restorative, enjoy every second. It’s precious switch-off time.
More likely, you’ve been ‘on duty’ – perhaps because your job is one that doesn’t stop for Christmas; or you’ve been going full tilt to make the holiday season come together for everyone around you.
Breaks and holidays can be times for reflecting – especially around the new year, when we tend to take stock and feel the urge to hit the refresh button, shake thinks up a bit, make some changes, get around at last to paying attention to our own needs, hopes and dreams.
Our brains and inner workings are more complex, smarter, more versatile than those of any device. It’s just that we don’t come with a helpdesk. It’s down to us to create own IT (InTuition) support, and to be ready to listen when the voice inside asks that crucial question: ‘have you tried switching off, and switching back on again?’
So give yourself a break. Then switch back on refreshed, restored, intact, and fully backed up.
What a relief!
To find out more see www.sea-change.me.
Sea Change offers you a weekend bolt-hole by the sea, where you can take a mini sabbatical from the familiar routines, responsibilities and hub-bub of your life, and turn the focus instead to your own needs. You may be facing changes, dilemmas, decisions, conflicts, puzzles – in your career, family, relationships. You may be yearning simply to get in touch with ‘YOU’ again. Come and explore whatever’s important to you.