What makes you feel happy?
Parenting coach Bea Marshall, founder of Yes Parenting, will be sharing details of how to create a positive, peaceful and playful experience for ourselves and our children at the Health, Wealth and Happiness Show this month

Who is your biggest inspiration?
I’m inspired by different people every day. Often my biggest inspirations are everyday folk going about their lives quietly yet making a big difference.
What have you learnt about yourself as you’ve got older?
I’ve learned that being a natural over-thinker is a gift rather than a weaknss. Who I am is absolutely enough and as I get older I love and accept myself more and more.
If you had to give one piece of life-changing advice to give, what would it be?
Pursue your passions with courage and your magic will pour out into the world.
How do you make a good decision?
My gut instinct has never let me down even when it chooses the harder, less obvious, route. The times when I doubt my gut instinct I tend to get in a pickle! Over the years I’ve learned that my inner wisdom consistently offers peace and clarity.
Optimist or pessimist?
An optimist. Even in the depths of depression (I live with bipolar disorder) I choose to believe that 'All is Well'. The universe is unfolding exactly as it should.
What is the key to a happy life?
Gratitude! Being thankful, even for the small things, can begin to transform even the bleakest of situations. Sometimes I simply remind myself that 'while I am still breathing there is more right with me than wrong with me'.
For more on Bea Marshall and information on The Health, Wealth and Happiness Show see positiveevents.co.uk. To book tickets click here
Photograph: Volker Mรถhrke/Corbis