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Can the internet solve your relationship rows?

The internet holds the answer to pretty much anything: Who’s the richest man in the world? How tall is Johnny Depp? Where’s the best place to buy stuffed olives in Durham? It is little surprise, then, that it now offers a service for resolving problems of a trickier nature: relationship problems


Can the internet solve your relationship rows?

That’s right, gone are the days of uninterested friends being forced to listen to you moan on about your partner’s lack of drive, dodgy dress sense or disregard for toilet etiquette.


Now, you can log on to CouplesSpark, and ask the whole world for their objective opinion on your dispute. It works like this. You and your partner post your disagreement and, anonymously, put forward your side of the story. Visitors to the site then vote for ‘Mate one’ or ‘Mate two’ or leave a lengthy comment. It’s a bit like an online Jeremy Kyle, with a little less screaming and chair-throwing. Conundrums currently posted on CouplesSpark include a Facebook row (he blocked me after I tagged photos of him), a Catholic/Atheist couple questioning where to get married, and a squabble over whose turn it is to cook. 

It’s a useful resource, not only for confused couples but also, it seems, for the ‘wannabe’ counsellors of the world. Some users are clearly hooked, offering their words of wisdom to three or four couples a day. I’m sure many have benefited from the site but, personally, I don't think I could handle the very frank responses. Rarely would close friends give such forthright advice.

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Then again, maybe that’s why people use the site — to get a real response from people more concerned about saying what they think than protecting your feelings.

What do you think? Would you use CouplesSpark to resolve a disagreement?








