Discover your purpose in life through spirituality
Do you often wonder what your purpose is in life or how you can make a real difference in the world? Writer, teacher and speaker Zulma Reyo believes that it is through personal transformation that we can be the change we wish to see, and take the first step on a journey to enlightenment. Here she shares her insights on where to begin

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Do you ever wonder if there is more to life than this? The past two years have led to many of us looking at the way we live, and feeling a gnawing void. Writer, teacher and speaker Zulma Reyo has been on a quest to discover fulfillment all her life. ‘It often seems to me as if I am constantly dying and being reborn,’ she explains. ‘Sometimes, I cannot to the person I was last year, or even last month – and, yet, something of whom I was, even 50 years ago, filters through and connects all the people I have been.
Growing up in the Sixties, a time of alternative lifestyles, I travelled with my parents from country to country, without time to establish roots or continuity. After university, I dabbled here and there, teaching, exploring new horizons, marrying and having a child, before becoming a psychotherapist. After a few years of running my own practice and training in alternative therapies, I felt a call to go to India. This was a turning point in my life. There, I remained for 12 years, imbibing the spirit of the spiritual path, studying ancient traditions and partaking of the mystery of my Self.
Through my journey, insight followed insight; occasionally, I remembered other lives, other times. I connected with a source that gave access to information that blew my mind. I have now spent four decades of my life dedicated to teaching, writing, training, workshops and conferences. The purpose of all of this has always been to advocate for personal transformation as a way of securing social and world change. Our quest begins by exploring the very true nature of life, helping us to understand who we are and the power and responsibility that lies within our reach.
Asking what the nature of life is leads to more questions, and, for many, marks the entry into the spiritual experience. There are many ways of answering. We try to solve everything through the rational mind, finding evidence to support our search. But do these explanations satisfy the hunger that is sensed by a growing proportion of humanity, which feels, knows and longs for what it cannot yet understand?
‘I often dream of a better world, as I am sure you do. Such a world is not possible without personal transformation. It is not enough to supply mechanical support or wish to help just causes. As noble as these efforts may be, they do not reach the mindset of humanity that repeatedly reconstructs the very mechanics we wish to change. The change begins with each one of us: we must be the change we want to see in our world.’
Rebuild yourself
Reyo has launched the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness to help students answer big questions and become the change they want to see. The school currently seeks students who know that in the rebuilding of self rests the power to rebuild our world.
The school strives to guide the student into finding answers to some of the most fundamental questions we face as human beings, such as: Who and what am I? What is my purpose? What does personal transformation mean to me? What is my relationship with life? The focus of the school is on training rather than therapy, and on community instead of personal benefit.
The school offers a three-year programme, which will guide students to explore a life of service by introducing a spiritual perspective into daily life through applied spiritual wisdom. The project is supported by LightEn, a philanthropic spiritual education organisation that offers scholarships and financial aid to all students who meet the criteria. The school is actively looking for potential candidates right now; to find out more, visit
Follow the path
You can take the first step on your journey to finding out more by trying this daily meditation which helps you with energy management, created by Reyo. You could record this script in your own voice, or an audio or animated version is available here.
To find out more about the Zulma Reyo School of Consciousness, to apply for a place and to download the School’s prospectus, click here.