Everything you wanted to know about work but were afraid to ask…
Students! Let us help you find some answers with our Psychologies Work Experience Week

At Psychologies central, we are hosting four work experience students in our offices next week and we are setting them a challenge – to ask and collate all the questions you ever wanted to know about starting work but were afraid to ask.
To get them off the starting blocks, we have invited three eminent work experts to host three live work experience ‘Twitter hours’ next week from 1-2pm on Monday 14, Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 July – answering all the questions you want to ask about how to find a job, the best interview techniques, the dos and don’t of a happy work experience placement.
Our experts are also posting information and advice on Lifelabs https://lifelabs.psychologies.
14 July at 1pm: Julie Batty is a career coach and part of the Eyes Wide Opened team – who help those who are at a crossroads – students,‘quarter-life’ crisis sufferers, people wondering how to make the best of their careers – figure out where to go next in their lives. To read the lifelab blog of Eyes Wide Opened, click here: https://lifelabs.psychologies.
15 July at 1pm: Chris Baréz-Brown, author of Free! Love Your Work, Love Your Life and founder of Upping Your Elvis consultancy. He specialises in helping people reconnect with their inner genius and once again become confident in being who they truly are. Although that may seem rather hippy to some, his results produce tangible returns on investment for companies such as Unilever, Coca-Cola, Nike, Roche, Diageo and WPP, who come back time and again for his unique and energetic approach to transforming their people and their businesses.
To read Chris’s lifelab blog, click here: https://lifelabs.psychologies.
16 July at 1pm: Nicola Morgan, author of The Teenage Guide To Stress (Walker, £7.99). Nicola is a multi-award-winning writer for and about teenagers. Her classic book on the teenage brain, Blame My Brain – The Amazing Teenage Brain Revealed, is now followed by The Teenage Guide To Stress (both Walker) and innovative multimedia teaching resources on the brain and mental health, BRAIN STICKS™. She also writes the free Brain Sane newsletter. To read Nicola’s lifelab blog posts: https://lifelabs.psychologies.
Send your question to @Psychologiesmag on Twitter or Psychologies Magazine Facebook page using #startwork
Photograph: plainpicture/Westend61