Why less adds up to more at work
Every month, Oliver Burkeman invites you to improve your work life

If you’re one of the many people whose job feels increasingly frenzied then you probably won't take kindly to the notion of getting more done by working less.
Yet as you may have noticed, going into overdrive is actually bad for your work. You forget important tasks; never get time to think; and your anxiety stresses your colleagues. Slowing down, if you do it right, isn’t just a happier way to live – you’ll do your job better, too.
Being overwhelmed is only part of the problem.
The other, argues psychologist Stephanie Brown, is that we’re addicted to urgency. We navigate our workdays not by doing what matters, but what makes us
Oliver Burkeman is the author of The Antidote: Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking (Canongate, £8.99)
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